Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Joe Pa

Six players of the pen state football team were involed in an off campus fight and another 16 players were at this party. So Paterno is making the whole team after each home game clean the whole stadium. I love ths Idea I wish that they would do this with NFL player as well. There are so many football players getting into trouble now a days, every time I turn on the TV there is a new NFL player arrested or smoking weed. Football is supposed to be a sport that teaches disipline but some of these football players don't have any. I wish that Pac man jones would have to clean up the teams stadium while he is on his year suspension.


Anonymous said...

anyway, have you watched the new Kelly Clarkson video? it's good. i kinda have a big crush on her.

Someone i know got into a fight and destroyed the guy, at a bar, and he was underage. he got kicked off the football team. these kids should feel lucky they didn't get kicked off. or did they get kicked off? idk....

Anonymous said...

anyway, have you watched the new Kelly Clarkson video? it's good. i kinda have a big crush on her.

Someone i know got into a fight and destroyed the guy, at a bar, and he was underage. he got kicked off the football team. these kids should feel lucky they didn't get kicked off. or did they get kicked off? idk....

meet any girls yet?


Sports and Music Talk said...

Her video is pretty good I think she has goten pretty fat

Unknown said...

she's a pretty fat, you're right.

Anonymous said...

you going to post again c'mon...